Terms & Conditions

These Terms govern the use by the Customer of any of the Services that Green Light Consultancy Group Limited registered  under company number 12373239, which has its registered offices  at Regency House, 33 Wood Street, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 4BE (“The Company”) agrees to provide to the Customer from time to time. Please read these Terms carefully before accepting these Terms and using the Services. By signing the Letter of Authority, you signify that you have read, accept, and agree to be bound by, these Terms.

The Customer should pay specific attention to the provisions of clauses 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 5.5, 7 and 10.

1.0 Definitions
The following definitions apply to these Terms and Conditions of Service (the “Terms”):

Agreement: means, these Terms and Conditions of Service.

Business Day: any day Monday to Friday that is not a public holiday in England.

Commission: means the amount included within any Quotation which will be paid to The Company by the Supplier in consideration for The Company securing and finalising the Supply Contract between the Customer and the Supplier.

Contract Checking Service: is a service provided by The Company as further detailed in clause 4.

COO: means, in respect of premises to which energy/utilities supply services are supplied under a Supply Contract made between the Customer and a Supplier following provision of the Procurement Service by The Company, any permanent change in the occupancy of those premises such that the new occupier is entitled to change supplier of energy/utilities supply services.

Credit Score Criteria: means the credit rating requirements as may be determined and required by The Company and/or the Supplier from time to time in order for a Customer to qualify to use the Services and contract with a Supplier.

Customer: means any non-domestic commercial customer who satisfies the eligibility requirements set out in clause

3.2 herein and to whom The Company agrees to supply any of the Services from time to time.

Customer Services: is a service provided by The Company as further detailed in clause 4.

Existing Supplier: means the Customer’s existing third-party energy/utilities supplier.

Intellectual Property Rights: means any and all intellectual property rights, including without limitation; copyright, patents, rights in inventions, design rights, trademarks, service marks (in each case whether registered, unregistered or the subject of an application to register), moral rights, database rights, rights in computer programs, semi-conductor topographies, confidential information, trade secrets, know-how, business, trade and domain names, rights in goodwill and rights to bring a claim for passing off, unfair competition rights and all similar, like and analogous rights wherever held in the world and all extensions revivals and reversions thereof and, in each case, all equivalent forms of protection which subsist now or which subsist in the future.

kWh: Kilo-watt hour (a unit of measurement for energy).

Letter of Authority: means the document signed by the Customer which incorporates these Terms and Conditions of Service.

p/kWh: pence per kilo-watt hour.

Procurement Service: is a service provided by The Company as further detailed in clause 4.

Quotation: means a quotation provided to the Customer by The Company on behalf of a Supplier which sets out the terms and prices upon which a Supplier may be prepared to supply the Supplier Services to the Customer.

Quotation Acceptance: means the affirmative response from the Customer to The Company in response to a Quotation, confirming the Customer’s agreement to proceed with any proposed Supply Contract(s). For the avoidance of doubt, this may be received from the Customer by any method, including in writing (letter, email, signature (including e-signature) on contract paperwork, text message), electronically (by completion of an electronic request on our Site) or verbally (by telephone).

Services: means the services provided by The Company, whether via the Site, the contact number or otherwise, to which the Customer chooses to subscribe from time to time including but not limited to the Contract Checking Service and/or the Procurement Service and/or the Customer Services

Service Charge: means the total amount payable to The Company for the Services provided to the Customer and is determined and calculated in the manner outlined in clause 5 below.

Site: means the website of The Company hosted at www.glcg.co.uk 

Supplier: means any third-party energy/water/utilities supplier of services and/or products as may be selected by The Company and/or listed on the Site from time to time.

Supplier Services: means the energy/water/utilities supply services and/or products as may be agreed to be provided by a Supplier to a Customer from time to time.

Supply Contracts: means contracts with energy/water/utility Suppliers for the supply of electricity/gas/water, as the case may be.

Supply Number: means the Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) for electricity and/or the Meter Point Reference (MPR) for gas and/or the Supply Point Identifier (SPID) for water, as appropriate to the Supply Contract.

Volume Tolerance Charge: means any charge raised by the Supplier   as  a result of the Customer going outside the volume tolerance threshold set in the Supply Contract.


2.0 Application of Terms
2.1    These Terms shall apply between The Company and the Customer immediately once the Customer has signed the Letter of Authority and they shall continue to apply until whichever date is latest between:

(a)     24 months following the termination date of the last Supply Contract which was procured by The Company; and

(b)     24 months from the date of the Letter of Authority.

2.2    Subject to clause 2.4, these Terms shall apply to the provision of any Service by The Company to a Customer and shall apply in place of, prevail over and supersede any other terms or conditions contained or referred to elsewhere (whether in correspondence or otherwise) or implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing unless specifically and expressly agreed to in writing by The Company or an authorised representative.

2.3    Where there is any conflict between:

(a)      these Terms and Conditions of Service; and

(b)     any letter sent from The Company to the Customer headed “Letter of Engagement” which is signed and agreed to by both parties after the date on which the Customer signs the LOA, then the Letter of Engagement shall prevail.


3.0 Subscribing to the Services
3.1    In order to use any of the Services, the Customer may be required to register with The Company.. The Company may, in their sole discretion, refuse to register any business as a Customer.

3.2    In order to be eligible to register to use the Services, the Customer must:

(a)      be a business that is resident in the UK or The Republic of Ireland;

(b)     be aged eighteen years or over (if a sole trader or unincorporated partnership);

(c)      agree to a business credit check being undertaken by either The Company or any Supplier (or both);

(d)     meet any Credit Score Criteria required by The Company and/or any Supplier; and

(e)     be able to provide The Company with all such relevant information as The Company may require in order to provide the Services to the Customer.


4.0 The Services
Contract Checking Service

4.1    In consideration for the Customer signing the Letter of Authority, which provides The Company with the authority to obtain information relating to the Customer’s utility supplies with a view to offering the Customer its Procurement Service, The Company agrees to provide its Contract Checking Service.

4.2    The Contract Checking Service entails The Company reading through the Customer’s documentation relating to its utility supplies to ascertain and, at the request of the Customer, explain where the Customer contractually stands with its Existing Supplier(s).

4.3    The Company may then collate the Customer’s documentation and conduct a search of The Company’s panel of suppliers to identify a potential supply contract for the Customer which may be presented as a Quotation.

4.4    If the Customer accepts the Quotation, the Contract Checking Service is concluded, and The Company will provide the Procurement Service.

Procurement Service
4.5    The Company will reasonably endeavour to provide the Customer with a Supply Contract based on the Quotation accepted by the Customer.

4.6    The Customer recognises and agrees that:

(a)     The Company does not control the rates offered by Suppliers and the rates in the Supply Contract may differ from those in the Quotation;

(b)     where the rates in the Supply Contract differ from those in the Quotation, The Company will notify the Customer at which point the Customer may request that The Company finds an alternative     Quotation;

(c)     The Company shall not be responsible for any delay or failure caused by any Supplier or Existing Supplier in providing a Supply Contract.

4.7    Once the Supply Contract has been signed, The Company will send it to the Supplier for ‘lock-in’ at which point the parties understand that the Supply Contract will be legally binding between the Customer and the Supplier.

4.8    Where authorised to do so by an appropriate letter of authority (which is usually provided soon before or after provision of the Supply Contract), The Company will serve ‘Notice of Termination’ to the Customer’s Existing Supplier so that the Supply Contract may go live.

4.9 The Company will arrange the Supply Contract based on the information provided by the Customer to The Company. Prior to completion of the Supply Contract, the Customer’s information will be confirmed by The Company with the Customer by email, call or by letter. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure at this point that all the Customer information is true, accurate, complete, reliable and current in all respects and to inform The Company promptly if there are any errors and/or if any amendments are required. If any of the Customer information is incorrect or inaccurate, and/or needs to be amended or rectified, this may result in the transfer being delayed or rejected by the Supplier which may be deemed to be a cancellation of the Supply Contract by you for the purposes of clause 7 below and/or could result in the Customer being charged a Volume Tolerance Charge for which it will be liable.

4.10 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that, by entering into a Supply Contract with a Supplier, the Customer will be contracting directly with the Supplier and not with The Company. The Customer agrees and accepts that The Company is not, and shall not be, liable in any way in relation to any transactions, dealings or arrangements of any kind made between the Customer and any Supplier and that any such transaction, dealing or arrangements (including, without limitation, any payment obligations of the Customer thereunder) are the Customer’s sole risk and responsibility. The Company shall not be responsible for any delay or failure caused by any Supplier or Existing Supplier in relation to affecting any transfer.

4.11 The Company operates as a service provider and it is expressly agreed between the parties that nothing in these Terms is intended to, or shall be deemed to, constitute a partnership or joint venture of any kind between any of the parties.

4.12  The Customer acknowledges and agrees that The Company gives no warranty, representation or other assurance of any kind that any Supply Contract identified, negotiated, recommended, proposed, suggested or otherwise introduced to the Customer by The Company is one which offers the lowest rates or charges or the longest fixed price period or is otherwise most favourable for the Customer compared to all or any other Supply Contracts which may be available to the Customer at any time.

4.13  The Company does not accept any liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for the consequences of any actions taken based on the information provided by The Company. The Company will negotiate with Suppliers on your behalf but has no authority to make or change contracts or legal relations on the Customer’s behalf. Due to the fluctuating energy markets, the prices quoted are not guaranteed and must be confirmed at the point of acceptance and may be subject to adjustment at any time, prior to written confirmation from the Supplier.

4.14  Where the Customer requires a new connection to be arranged by The Company, The Company will calculate the Customer’s consumption forecast based on the information provided by the Customer. It is the Customer’s sole responsibility to ensure that the consumption forecast is reasonable and accurate and to inform The Company promptly if any amendments are required.

4.15  The Customer agrees and accepts that The Company is not, and shall not be, liable in any way for any Volume Tolerance Charge which may be incurred by the Customer. The parties agree that The Company has no liability for Volume Tolerance Charges if the Customer’s consumption forecast proves to be inaccurate.

Customer Services
4.17  The Company’s customer service department will provide the Customer with ongoing Customer Services  and can  be  reached via email atinfo@glcg.co.uk where we will  endeavour  to  get  back to  you  within 1 working day.

4.18  The Customer Services include:

(a)     appointment of a dedicated account manager to take any of the Customer’s energy queries during the term of this Agreement;

(b)     arrangement for and advice on the installation of smart meters, where applicable (with regard to the Utility Company and the Supply Contract);

(c)     obtaining meter readings from the Customer and submission of them to the Utility Company; and

(d)     support and advice with complaints made by the Customer to the Utility Company.

Energy Management Services (EMS)
4.19 The Company may offer to provide the Customer with its EMS which, if the Customer agrees, will be subject to a separate contract with terms to be agreed between the parties.


5.0 Charges
5.1    Subject to clause 7, and unless agreed otherwise in writing, The Company will not directly charge the Customer for its Services. The Company is remunerated directly by the Supplier and will receive a Commission for securing and finalising the Supply Contract between the Customer and the Supplier.

5.2    The amount charged for the Services provided to the Customer by The Company (“the Service Charge”) is included within the cost of the Supply Contract agreed between the Customer and the Supplier and (unless otherwise stated) will already be included in any Quotation supplied by The Company. It is calculated by multiplying the Commission amount by the forecast consumption amount for the whole period of the Supply Contract.

5.3    Commission may alternatively or also be applied to rates/charges other than the energy unit rate. Such rates may include (but are not limited to): Meter Standing Charges, Meter Installation Fees, Meter Operator (MOP) Agreement Charges and DC/DA (Data Collector/Data Aggregator) Agreement Charges.

5.4    The amount of the Commission applied depends on several factors such as, but not necessarily limited to:

(a)     the size of the Supply Contract;

(b)     the contract term;

(c)     credit risks; and

(d)     any additional services The Company may offer or provide, including but not limited to:

(i)      account management;

(ii)     meter reading services;

(iii)    AMR/Smart Meter Installation;

(iv)    business energy audits;

(v)     setup and access to our cloud energy monitoring software;

(vi)    energy management including targeting, proactive and reactive exception and event monitoring;

(vii)   bill validation; and

(viii)  KVA Analysis and validation.

5.5    The amount of Commission to be applied within any accepted Quotation will never exceed the monetary equivalent of 3p/kWh (three pence per kilo-watt hour) of the forecast energy consumption (as shown on the Supply Contract) for the contract duration and can be calculated by multiplying the Commission amount by the forecast consumption amount for the whole period of the Supply Contract. The Customer may request The Company at any point to confirm the exact commission The Company expects from any proposed energy contract.

5.6    Any Quotation offered will be from a Supplier or Suppliers with whom The Company has a pre-established Third Party Intermediary (TPI) commercial relationship. The Company may also choose, at its own discretion to seek services through an aggregator. This does not restrict The Company seeking to include all suppliers on the market and may change from time to time. However, upon client request, The Company may obtain a Quotation from almost any supplier within the market. To request this, to receive further information on which suppliers The Company work with, or more information about how the Service Charge is calculated, please call us on 0330 128 9618 or emailinfo@glcg.co.uk


6.0 Customer’s obligations
6.1    In addition to the Customer’s other obligations set out in these Terms, the Customer undertakes the following:

(a) to co-operate with The Company in all matters relating to the Services and not in any way through acts or omissions hinder, prevent or delay the provision of the Services;

(b) to comply at all times promptly and completely with this Agreement and any terms and conditions of the relevant Supplier relating to the Supply Contract including for the avoidance of doubt the obligation to make all payments promptly to the Supplier under the Supply Contract and to take the supply of energy under the Contract for entire Supply Contract term as per the Contract;

(c) to provide such information, data or documents as The Company may request from time to time;

(d) to ensure that all information and documents provided to The Company is complete, up to date and accurate at all times;

(e) to provide such assistance as The Company may reasonably require from time to time in relation to the Services

(f) to immediately inform The Company in the event there is any change in the Customer’s circumstances which may affect the provision of the Services and or impact the Contract or proposed Contract;

(g) to comply with the provisions of the Bribery Act 2010 and any other applicable legislation;

(viii) not at any time whether directly or indirectly instruct, direct, permit, cause or allow the Supplier to cease or withhold the payment of any commission to The Company; and

(h) not at any time to have entered into or enter into any other contract (for any reason) for the supply of energy (“Other Contract”) for the intended period of the Contract whereby that Other Contract provides energy and/or the Services, whether in whole or in part, to be provided under the Contract.

6.2     The Customer shall give The Company not less than 35 days’ notice in writing of any proposed COO. Notice of COO must:

(a)     summarise the nature and details of the proposed COO and provide full details of any proposed occupant of the relevant premises;

(b)     be provided 7 working days before the relevant Supplier is notified of the COO; and

(c)     be accompanied by documentation in accordance with clause 6.3 to verify that the COO is genuine.

6.3     Documentation for the purposes of 6.2(c) must be sufficient evidence to satisfy The Company that the COO is genuine, and shall include but not be limited to the following:

(a)     a Certified copy of a signed and executed lease agreement;

(b)     a Certified copy of a signed and executed Assignment of Lease agreement;

(c)     a copy of the signed and executed TR1 or LPE1; or

(d)     a letter from a solicitor who has acted on behalf of the Customer in the property transaction confirming the COO is genuine.


7.0 Cancellation charges
7.1    In the event that a Supply Contract has been made between the Customer and a Supplier and the Customer breaches any of its obligations to the Company the Customer shall, subject to  clause 7.4 below, immediately become liable to pay The Company a cancellation fee (the “Cancellation Fee”) as set out in clause

7.2. The Cancellation Fee will be levied for each separate Supply Number which does not commence or is cancelled or terminated.

7.3     The Cancellation Fee shall be calculated as being the value of the Service Charge plus VAT. If the Supply Contract is terminated at any time after the supply of energy/water under it has commenced the Cancellation Fee shall be pro-rated for the period after such termination until the Supply Contract end date.

7.4     For the avoidance of doubt, no Cancellation Fee will be due and payable if a Supply Contract is terminated in consequence of or in connection with a COO unless:

(a)     the cancellation arises as a result of the Customer taking any step or action in connection with its entering administration, provisional liquidation or any composition or arrangement with its creditors (other than in relation to a solvent restructuring), obtaining a moratorium, being wound up(whether voluntarily or by order of the court, unless for the purpose of a solvent restructuring) or having a receiver appointed to any of its assets; or

(b)     the proposed new occupier is connected to the Customer, in which case a Cancellation Fee shall be due and payable in accordance with clause 6.1. In relation to a person, “connected” for the purposes of clause 6.3(b) has the meaning given to it in section 1122 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.

7.5    The Customer shall immediately notify The Company if any event occurs which give rise to a Cancellation Fee becoming due and shall provide The Company with full, complete and accurate details of any such event.

7.6     The Company shall be entitled to invoice the Customer for the Cancellation Fee:

at any time after The Company becomes aware that the Cancellation Fee is due, and the Customer shall pay the Cancellation Fee to the specified bank account within ten Business Days after the date of invoice (Time for payment of the Cancellation Fee shall be of the essence.

7.7     If the Customer fails to pay the Cancellation Fee by the due date, then, without limiting The Company’s remedies under clause 9 regarding Termination, the Customer shall pay interest on the overdue sum from the due date until payment of the overdue sum, whether before or after judgment. Interest under this clause will accrue each date at 4% a year above the Bank of England’s base rate from time to time, but at 4% a year for any period when the base rate is below 0%.

7.8    All amounts due under this clause 6 from the Customer to The Company shall be paid in full without any set-off, counterclaim, deduction or withholding (other than any deduction or withholding of tax as required by law).

7.9    The Customer agrees, accepts, and hereby confirms that the Cancellation Fee is reasonable and proportionate to protect The Company’s legitimate interest in the Supply Contract reaching full term.

7.10   The Customer acknowledges that any Cancellation Fee charged by or paid to The Company will not obviate or indemnify the Customer against any separate cancellation charges that the Supplier may be contractually entitled to make.

7.11  This clause 7 shall survive the expiry or termination of this Agreement between The Company and the Customer.


8.0 Intellectual property rights
8.1    The Customer agrees that any and all Intellectual Property Rights in, relating to or otherwise arising from or connected to the Services, any information and/or materials provided to the Customer, the Site and any content therein (including, without limitation, the look and feel of the Site) shall remain owned by The Company and/or its licensors and any unauthorised use or attempted unauthorised use of any of the same shall constitute an infringement of The Company’s (and/or its licensors’) Intellectual Property Rights and may expose the Customer to both civil and criminal liability.

8.2    The Company grants the Customer a fully paid up, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non- transferable and non-sublicensable licence to use the information and/or materials provided to the Customer by The Company during the term of this Agreement for the purpose of receiving and using the Services in its business only.


9.0 Termination
9.1    Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it, either party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party if:

(a)      the other party commits a material breach of its obligations under this Agreement and (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within 14 days after receipt of notice in writing to do  so;

(b)     the other party takes any step or action in connection with its entering administration, provisional liquidation or any composition or arrangement with its creditors (other than in relation to a solvent restructuring), being wound up (whether voluntarily or by order of the court, unless for the purpose of a solvent restructuring), having a receiver appointed to any of its assets or ceasing to carry on business or, if the step or action is taken in another jurisdiction, in connection with any analogous procedure in the relevant jurisdiction;

(c)      the other party suspends, or threatens to suspend, or ceases or threatens to cease to carry on all or a substantial part of its business; or

(d)     the other party’s financial position deteriorates to such an extent that in the terminating party’s opinion the other party’s capability to adequately fulfil its obligations under the Agreement has been placed in jeopardy.

9.2    Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it, The Company may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Customer if:

(a)     the Customer fails to pay any amount due under this Agreement on the due date for payment;

(b)     there is a change of Control of the Customer (“Control” having the meaning set out in section 1124 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010); or

(c)     The Company suspects on reasonable grounds that the Customer may have committed or attempted to commit any fraud against The Company or any Supplier.

9.3    Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it, The Company may suspend the supply of Services under this Agreement or any other contract between the Customer and The Company if the Customer fails to pay any amount due under this Agreement on the due date for payment, the Customer becomes subject to any of the events listed in clause 9.1, or The Company reasonably believes that the Customer is about to become subject to any of them.

9.4    Expiry or termination of this Agreement between The Company and the Customer shall not affect any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities of the parties that have accrued up to the date of termination, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of this Agreement which existed at or before the date of expiry or termination. Any provision of these Terms that expressly or by implication is intended to come into or continue in force on or after expiry or termination of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after expiry or termination.


10.0 Limitation on Liability
10.1  The Company will exercise reasonable skill and care in providing the Services. However, the performance of the Services by The Company may be dependent upon third parties (including, without limitation, Suppliers, Aggregators and Existing Suppliers) and The Company is not able to guarantee or accept any responsibility for any failure or delay caused by such third parties or for any inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable information provided to the Customer by such parties via The Company.

10.2  The Company shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that all pricing information provided by The Company to the Customer as part of the Procurement Service is accurate, current and reliable in all material respects. However, save in respect of the foregoing, The Company does not warrant and excludes all liability in respect of the accuracy, completeness, fitness for purposes or legality of any information accessed as a result of the Customer’s use of the Services, the Site or otherwise communicated by The Company to the Customer.

10.3  The Company shall use its reasonable endeavours in calculating consumption forecasts (especially on new connections) based on the information provided by the Customer. However they are, due to their nature, inherently uncertain and The Company offers no warranties in respect of such consumption forecasts.

10.4 Except as expressly provided in these Terms, the Services and the Site are provided on an “as is” basis without representation or warranty of any kind and permissible pursuant to applicable law The Company disclaims all other conditions, representations, statements and warranties, either express or implied (whether by common law, custom, statute or otherwise).

10.5 The Company does not exclude or limit its liability (if any) in any way:

(a)     for death or personal injury caused by The Company’s negligence.

(b)     for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

(c)     for any matter from which it is unlawful to exclude, or attempt to exclude, The Company’s liability.

10.6  Subject to clause 10.4, The Company’s total liability to the Customer shall not exceed 50% of  aggregate Commission received by The Company under or in respect of the Supply Contract entered into by the Customer in the 12 months immediately preceding the event which gave rise to the Customer’s claim. The Company may choose to exercise Discretion as it wishes.

10.7  Subject to clause 10.4, The Company shall have no liability for the following types of loss:

(a)     loss of profits;

(b)     loss of sales or business;

(c)     loss of agreements or contracts;

(d)     loss of anticipated savings;

(e)     loss of use or corruption of software, data or information;

(f)      loss of or damage to goodwill;

(g)     Volume Tolerance Charges; and

(h)     indirect or consequential loss.

10.8 References to liability in this clause 10 include every kind of liability arising under or in connection with this Agreement including but not limited to liability in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise.


11.0 Indemnity
The Customer hereby agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified, defend and hold The Company respective officers, directors, employees, owners, agents, suppliers, contractors, partners, information providers and licensors harmless from

and against any and all claims, damages, liability, demands, losses, costs and expenses (including legal fees) (whether or not foreseeable or avoidable) incurred or suffered by any of such parties and any claims or legal proceedings which are brought or threatened arising out of or in connection with any use by or conduct of the Customer in relation to any of the Services, any transactions, dealings or arrangements made with any third party as a result of using the Services or any breach of any of the provisions of these Terms or of any law or the rights of any third party.


12.0 Data protection
The Customer acknowledges and agrees that details of the Customer’s name, address and payment record may be submitted to a credit reference agency, and personal data will be processed on behalf of the Customer in accordance with The Company’s Privacy Policy.

The Customer also grants The Company permission to query their business and utility supply details on the relevant industry databases (including but not limited to Companies House, HRMC & The Charity Commission) in order to provide any quotation, or facilitate any contract or transfer.


13.0 Force majeure
The Company shall have no liability to the Customer if it is prevented from or delayed in performing any of its obligations in relation to the provision of any of the Services, or from carrying on its business, by circumstances, acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond The Company’s reasonable control, including (without limitation) strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of The Company or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, epidemic, pandemic, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or subcontractors, and The Company shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time for performing such obligations in the event of any such occurrence.


14.0 No Waiver
Any failure or delay by The Company to enforce any of its rights under these Terms is not to be taken as or deemed to be a waiver of that or any other right unless The Company acknowledges and agrees to such a waiver in writing.


15.0 Severability
If any clause or part of a clause of these Terms is, or becomes, invalid, illegal or unenforceable, then that clause or part of a clause shall be deemed to be deleted from these Terms. Any such deemed deletion shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remainder of these Terms.


16.0 Third Party Rights
The parties agree that the provisions of these Terms are personal to them and are not intended to confer any rights of enforcement on any other third party. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this Agreement or to any of its provisions.


17.0 General
17.1  Each Party agrees that it is an independent contractor and is entering into this Agreement as principal.

17.2  Save as expressly provided otherwise, nothing in this Agreement and no action taken by the Parties in connection with it or them will create a partnership or joint venture between the Parties or give either Party authority to act as the agent of or in the name of or on behalf of the other Party or to bind the other Party or to hold itself out as being entitled to do so.

17.3  If a court or any other competent authority finds that any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected.

17.4  Each party undertakes that it shall not at  any time  during  this  Agreement,  and for a period of two years after termination or expiry of this Agreement, disclose to any person any confidential information concerning the business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of the other party except as permitted by clause 17.5.

17.5  Each party may disclose the other party’s confidential information:

(a)     to its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors, or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising the party’s rights or carrying out its obligations under or in connection with this Agreement. Each party shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers to whom it discloses the other party’s confidential information comply with clause 17.4; and

(b)     as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.

17.6 No party shall use any other party’s confidential information for any purpose other than to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under or in connection with this Agreement.


18.0 Dispute Resolution
18.1 In the event of a dispute under the Agreement and prior to initiating any legal proceedings, the parties shall follow the following dispute resolution process procedure:

(a)     in the first instance, either party may call a dispute resolution meeting of the parties by the service of not less than ten days’ written notice, and each party agrees to procure that a senior member of its staff shall attend all dispute resolution meetings called in accordance with this clause;

(b)     the attendees of a meeting called in accordance with 18.1(a) above shall attempt in good faith to resolve disputes arising out of this Agreement:

(c)     if the dispute is not resolved within ten business days of it being considered at a dispute resolution meeting, it shall be referred to the managing director of each of the parties for resolution, who shall co-operate in good faith to resolve the dispute amicably: and

(d)     if the dispute is not resolved within further ten business days. either party shall be free to instigate an alternative dispute resolution procedure with the assistance of a mediator agreed by the parties, or in the absence of such agreement, a mediator appointed by the Centre for Dispute Resolution or such other similar body (a “Mediation”);

(e)     if the parties reach a settlement as a result of the Mediation, such settlement shall be reduced to writing, and once signed by a duly authorised representative of each party, the settlement shall be binding:

(f)      the parties shall bear their own legal costs associated with the dispute resolution procedure, save that the costs and expenses of a Mediation shall be borne equally by the parties.

18.2  Subject to clause 18.3, and provided that the right to issue proceedings is not prejudiced by delay, neither party may commence court proceedings in relation to any dispute arising out of the Agreement until:

(a)     it has attempted to settle the dispute by the dispute resolution procedure set out in clause 18. 1 above; and;

(b)     either the Mediation has terminated, or the other party has failed to participate in the Mediation.

18.3  Nothing in clause 18.1 shall restrict the right of either party to seek urgent or injunctive relief from a court.


19.0 Transfer of rights and obligations
19.1  These Terms are binding on the Customer and The Company and on each parties’ respective successors and assigns.

19.2  The Customer may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of these Terms, or any of its rights or obligations arising under them, without The Company’s prior written consent.

19.3  The Company may at any time transfer, assign, charge, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of these Terms, or any of its rights or obligations arising under them.


20.0 Entire Agreement
The warranties, exclusions and other express provisions of these Terms, the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use set out the full extent of the Company’s obligations and liabilities concerning the subject matter and supersede any previous agreements between the parties relating thereto. Nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud.


21.0 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.